Total Stocks : 8602

Exporter Of Japanese New & Used Car,Trucks Machinery For Sale

Japanese Time:

[email protected] | +81 90 4827 0786

Contact Us

Post Your enquiry of Japanese used vehicles like Trucks, Machinery SUV`s / 4 WD, sedans, hatchbacks, vans, buses, wagons, and other vehicles at Mumtaz International, one of the great suppliers of Japanese used cars to Africa, Caribbean and other regions.

Mr. Michael | Mr. Mansoor
+81 90 4827 0786
Mr. Alex:
Japan Address:
4070-2 Nagaoka Ibaraki-machi, Higashiibaraki-gun, Ibaraki-ken 311-3116 Japan

Send Us A Message


Import and Export all kind of Cars and Machinery

We are proud member of Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association (JUMVEA), its makes us Unique trusted supplier from Japan, worldwide satisfied customers. The office of JUMVEA located in Tokyo but members are covering almost all area in Japan. As JUMVEA we also cover most of the countries in the world for the exportation of the used motor vehicles.

Higashi Ibaraki-gun, Ibaraki Machi, Nagaoka 4070-2 Ibaraki-ken 311-3116 Japan

+81 29-293-6822

+81 29 293 7088

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